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Bipin Paudel, George Amariucai, Alireza Zare, Mohammad Shadmand, Robust Detection in Power Systems: Iterative Reinforcement Learning Based Adversarial Training, Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024).


Adaeze Okeukwu-Ogbonnaya, George Amariucai, Balasubramaniam Natarajan, Hyung Jin Kim, Towards Quantifying the Communication Aspect of Resilience in Disaster-Prone Communities, Scientific Reports, 2024.


Bishwas Mandal, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Optimizing Privacy and Utility Tradeoffs for Group Interests Through Harmonization, The 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2024).


Bishwas Mandal, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Initial Exploration of Zero-Shot Privacy Utility Tradeoffs in Tabular Data Using GPT-4, The 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2024), IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2024).


Dong Qin, George T Amariucai, Daji Qiao, Yong Guan, Shen Fu, A Comprehensive and Reliable Feature Attribution Method: Double-sided Remove and Reconstruct (DoRaR), Neural Networks, 2024.


Stephanie Harshbarger, Balasubramaniam Natarajan, Eugene Y. Vasserman, Muhammad Farooq Umar, Mohammad Shadmand, George Amariucai, On Zero-Dynamics Stealthy Attacks with Learned State Space Models, 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE), 2024.


Chandra Sharma, George Amariucai and Shuangqing Wei, The Economics of Privacy and Utility: Investment Strategies, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2023.


Stephanie Harshbarger, Mohsen Hosseinzadehtaher, Alireza Zare, Amin Y. Fard, Mohammad Shadmand  and George Amariucai, Preventing Stealthy Attacks on Power Electronics Dominated Grids, IEEE Access, 2023


Shahnewaz Karim ​Sakib, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Measures of Information Leakage for Incomplete Statistical Information: Application to a Binary Privacy Mechanism, ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 2023.


Bipin Paudel and George Amariucai, Reinforcement Learning Approach to Generate Zero-Dynamics Attacks on Control Systems Without State Space Models, 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 2023.


Tareq Hossen, George Amariucai, Behrooz Mirafzal, Integrating an Analytical Risk Factor into a Neural Network Framework for Self-Protective Inverters, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023.


Shahnewaz Karim ​Sakib, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Variations and Extensions of Information Leakage Metrics with Applications to Privacy Problems with Imperfect Statistical Information, 36th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2023).


Abiola Osho, Shuangqing Wei and George Amariucai, Heuristic Gradient Optimization Approach to Controlling Susceptibility to Manipulation in Online Social Networks, The 11th International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks (CSoNet 2022).


Shahnewaz Karim ​Sakib, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, ZeroProKeS: A Secure Zeroconf Key Establishment Protocol for Large-Scale Low-Cost Applications, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.


Abhishek Jana, Bipin Paudel, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Monireh Ebrahimi, Pascal Hitzler, George T Amariucai, Neural Fuzzy Extractors: A Secure Way to Use Artificial Neural Networks for Biometric User Authentication, 22nd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2022).


Bishwas Mandal, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Uncertainty-Autoencoder-Based Privacy and Utility Preserving Data Type Conscious Transformation, The 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022).


Shen Fu, Dong Qin, George Amariucai, Daji Qiao, Yong Guan, Ann Smiley, Artificial Intelligence Meets Kinesthetic Intelligence: Mouse-based User Authentication based on Hybrid Human-Machine Learning,17th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2022).


Chandra Sharma, Samuel Moylan, Eugene Y. Vasserman, George Amariucai, Review of the Security of Backward-Compatible Automotive Inter-ECU Communication, IEEE Access, 2021.


Chandra Sharma, Bishwas Mandal, George T Amariucai, A Practical Approach to Navigating the Tradeoff Between Privacy and Precise Utility, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, 2021.


Shahnewaz Karim Sakib, George T Amariucai, Yong Guan, Information Leakage Metrics for Adversaries with Incomplete Information: Binary Privacy Mechanism, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, 2021.


Abiola Osho, Caden Waters and George Amariucai, An Implicit Crowdsourcing Approach to Rumor Identification in Online Social Networks, The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2020.


Abiola Osho, Colin Goodman and George T. Amariucai, MIDMod-OSN: A Microscopic-level Information Diffusion Model for Online Social Networks, 9th International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks (CSoNet), 2020.


Shen Fu, Dong Qin, Daji Qiao, George T. Amariucai, RUMBA-Mouse: Rapid User Mouse-Behavior Authentication Using a CNN-RNN Approach, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2020.


Dong Qin, Shen Fu, George Amariucai, Daji Qiao, Yong Guan, MAUSPAD: Mouse-based Authentication Using Segmentation-based, Progress-Adjusted DTW, 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2020.


Chandra Sharma, George T Amariucai, Neutralizing Manipulation of Critical Data by Enforcing Data-Instruction Dependency, Symposium on the Science of Security (HotSoS), 2020


Stephanie Harshbarger, Mohsen Hosseinzadehtaher, Bala Natarajan, Eugene Vasserman, Mohammad Shadmand and George Amariucai, (A Little) Ignorance is Bliss: The Effect of Imperfect Model Information on Stealthy Attacks in Power Grids, IEEE Kansas Power & Energy Conference (KPEC), 2020.


Abiola Osho, Ethan Tucker, George Amariucai, Implicit Crowdsourcing for Identifying Abusive Behavior in Online Social Networks, 14th International Conference on Web and Social Media, Data Challenge (ICWSM-DC), 2020.


Blake A Holman, Joy Hauser, and George T Amariucai, Towards Home Area Network Hygiene: Device Classification and Intrusion Detection for Encrypted Communications, The 2020 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'20), 2020.


Zhen Zhang, Mitchell Easley, Mohsen Hosseinzadehtaher, George Amariucai, Mohammad Shadmand and Haitham Abu-Rub, An Observer Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Smart Inverters at the Grid-Edge, The Twelfth Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020.


Amin Y. Fard, Mitchell Easley, George T. Amariucai, Mohammad B. Shadmand, Haitham Abu-Rub, Cybersecurity Analytics using Smart Inverters in Power Distribution System: Proactive Intrusion Detection and Corrective Control Framework, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2019 – cyber security best paper award.


Mohammad Reza Khalili-Shoja, George Amariucai, Zhengdao Wang Shuangqing Wei, Jing Deng, On the Secret Key Capacity of Sibling Hidden Markov Models, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2018.


George Amariucai, Sanchita Barman, Yong Guan, An Algebraic Quality-TimeAdvantage-Based Key Establishment Protocol, The 11th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2018).


Yanmao Man, Jing Deng, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, HQuad: Statistics of Hamiltonian Cycles in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks, 25th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2018).


Mohammad Reza Khalili-Shoja, George Amariucai, Zhengdao Wang, Shuangqing Wei, Jing Deng, Asymptotic Converse Bound for Secret Key Capacity in Hidden Markov Model, IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, 2017 (ISIT 2017).


Zhonghao Liao, George Amariucai, Raymond Wang, Yong Guan, The Impact of Discharge Inversion Effect on Learning SRAM Power-Up Statistics, Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) 2017.


Ali Moharer, Shuangqing Wei, George Amariucai, Jing Deng, Successive Synthesis of Latent Gaussian Trees, IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2017.


Mohammad Reza Khalili-Shoja, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Jing Deng, Secret Common Randomness from Routing Metadata in Ad-Hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.11, p. 1674-1684, 2016.


Gang Xu, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Delegation of Computation with Verification Outsourcing: Curious Verifiers, IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. PP, 2016.


​Ali Moharrer, Shuangqing Wei, George T Amariucai and Jing Deng, Extractable Common Randomness from Gaussian Trees: Topological and Algebraic Perspectives, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.11, p. 2312-2321, 2016.


Ali Moharer, Shuangqing Wei, George Amariucai, Jing Deng, Synthesis of Gaussian Trees with Correlation Sign Ambiguity: An Information Theooretic Approach, the 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 2016.


Mohammad Reza Khalili-Shoja, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Jing Deng, KERMAN: A Key Establishment Algorithm Based on Harvesting Randomness in MANETs, The 2016 International Conference on Security and management (SAM’16).


Ali Moharer, Shuangqing Wei, George Amariucai, Jing Deng, Topological and Algebraic Properties for Classifying Unrooted Gaussian Trees under Privacy Constraints, Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2015.


Junjun Ruan, Jing Deng, George Amariucai, Shuangqing Wei, Efficient Link Cuts in Online Social Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2015.


Gang Xu, George Amariucai, and Yong Guan, Block Programs: Improving Efficiency of Verifiable Computation for Circuits with Repeated Substructures, Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, (ASIACCS), p.405-416, 2015.


Ali Moharrer, Shuangqing Wei, George T Amariucai and Jing Deng, Evaluation of Security Robustness Against Information Leakage in Gaussian Polytree Graphical Models, Proceedings of the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), p.1422-1427, 2015.


Gang Xu, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Verifiable Computation with Reduced Informational Costs and Computational Costs, Computer Security - ESORICS 2014, p.292-309, 2014.


Gang Xu, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Poster: Distributed Delegation of Computation with Verification Outsourcing, the 35th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 2014.


Gang Xu, George Amariucai, Yong Guan, Delegation of Computation with Verification Outsourcing Using GENI Infrastructure, Third GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop, 2014.


Gang Xu, G. Amariucai, Y. Guan, Delegation of Computation with Verification Outsourcing: Curious Verifiers, Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing, p.393-402, 2013.


Gang Xu, G. Amariucai, Y. Guan, A Lightweight Argument System with Efficient Verifier, 2013 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), p. 163-171, 2013.


G. Amariucai, C. Bergman, Y. Guan, An Automatic, Time-Based, Secure Pairing Protocol for Passive RFID, RFID. Security and Privacy (RFIDsec), p.108-126, 2012.


Amariucai and S. Wei, Half-Duplex Active Eavesdropping in Fast Fading Channels: A Block-Markov Wyner Secrecy Encoding Scheme, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol.58, p.4660-4677,2012.


G. Amariucai and S. Wei, Feedback-Based Collaborative Secrecy Encoding over Binary Symmetric Channels, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 58, p. 5248-5266, 2012.


G. Amariucai, S. Wei, Active Eavesdropping in Fast Fading Channels. A Block-Markov Wyner Secrecy Encoding Scheme, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), p.2508-2512, 2010.


G. Amariucai, S. Wei, Active Eavesdropping in Fast Fading Channels, Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), p.1-7, 2009.


G. Amariucai, S. Wei, Mixed Anti-Jamming Strategies in Fixed-Rate Wireless Systems over Fast Fading Channels, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory(ISIT), p.2522-2526, 2009.


G. Amariucai and S. Wei, Jamming Games in Fast-Fading Wireless Channels, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Special Issue on Algorithmic Game, p. 411-424, 2008.


G. Amariucai and S.Wei, Jamming Games in Fast-Fading Wireless Channels, Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE, p.1-7, 2008.


G. Amariucai and S.Wei, Strictly Positive Secrecy Rate of Binary Wiretapper Channels Using Feedback Schemes, 42nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 2008. CISS 2008, p.624-629, 2008.


G. Amariucai, S. Wei and R. Kannan, Gaussian Jamming in Block-Fading Channels under Long Term Power Constraints, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2007. ISIT 2007, p.1001-1005, 2007.


G. Amariucai, S. Wei and R. Kannan, Minimax and Maxmin Solutions to Gaussian Jamming in Block-Fading Channels under Long Term Power Constraints, 41st Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 2007. CISS'07, p.312-317, 2007.


G. Amariucai and S.Wei, Channel Capacity and Dirty Paper Coding for Gaussian Channels with Additive and Multiplicative Interferences, Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2006. ACSSC'06, p.2172-2176, 2006.

Current and Previous Funded Projects

Investigators: Bala Natarajan (PI), George T Amariucai, Husain Aziz, Jason Bergtold,    Anil Pahwa, Vaishali Sharda.

Title of grant: RII Track-1: Adaptive and Resilient Infrastructures driven by Social Equity (ARISE)

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 06/2022 – 05/2027

Total dollar amount:  $4,254,690

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Bala Natarajan (PI), Anil Pahwa, Jason Bergtold, George Amariucai, Marcellus Caldas, Angela Park  

Title of grant: Stakeholder-guided holistic, Adaptive Framework for enhancing community Energy Resilience (SAFER)

Funding Agency: Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Dates: 01/2023 – 12/2024

Total dollar amount:  $796,699

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Hyung Jin Kim (PI), George T Amariucai, Bala Natarajan.

Title of grant: SCC-PG: Pilot Study and Workshop For Enhancing Rural-to-Urban Disaster Resilience by Integrating Social, Spatial and Digital Networks

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 10/2020 – 09/2021

Total dollar amount:  $149,813

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: George T Amariucai(KSU PI).

Title of grant: Multi-layer Cybersecurity and Situational Awareness to Enhance Resiliency in Qatar’s Power Grid

Funding Agency: Qatar Foundation, sub-award from Texas A&M University

Dates: 08/2020 – 07/2024

Total dollar amount:  $113,721

Role on project: PI.


Investigators: Eugene Vasserman (PI), Arslan Munir, George T. Amariucai, Scott DeLoach, Daniel Andresen.

Title of grant: CyberCorps SFS Renewal: Strengthening the National Cybersecurity Workforce

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 01/2021 – 12/2025

Total dollar amount: $3,000,262

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Mohammad Shadmand (KSU PI), George T Amariucai.

Title of grant: Enabling Cybersecurity Situational Awareness and Resilience in Distribution Grids Through Smart Devices and Deep Learning

Funding Agency: Qatar Foundation, sub-award from Texas A&M University

Dates: 04/2020 – 03/2022

Total dollar amount: $248,143

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Behrooz Mirafzal (PI), George T Amariucai, Mohammad Shadmand, Homgyu Wu

Title of grant: MRI: Development of Grid of Nanogrids (GNG) Testbed

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 01/2020 – 12/2022

Total dollar amount: $892,007

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: George T Amariucai

Title of grant: INSuRE 3.0: INSuRing the Effectiveness of Tomorrow's Cybersecurity Workforce Today

Funding Agency: National Security Agency (NSA), sub-award from Purdue University

Dates: 08/2018 – 08/2019

Total dollar amount: $12,000

Role on project: PI.


Investigators: Daji Qiao (PI), George T Amariucai, Yong Guan, Douglas Jacobson

Title of grant: I-EN: IoT Event Emulation Environment (IoTE3) based on Cyber-Physical Integration

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 08/2017 – 07/2020

Total dollar amount: $498,077

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Yong Guan (PI), George T Amariucai, Ann Smiley-Oyen, Daji Qiao

Title of grant: SBE: Small: Continuous Human-User Authentication by Induced Procedural Visual-Motor Biometrics

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 08/2016 – 07/2019

Total dollar amount: $499,493

Role on project: Co-PI, initiator.


Investigators: George T Amariucai (PI), Yong Guan, Daji Qiao, Akhilesh Tyagi, Morris Chang.

Title of grant: Community-Based, Context-Aware Transparent and Continuous Authentication for Combat Environments

Funding Agency: National Security Agency (NSA)

Dates: 09/2015 – 09/2017

Total dollar amount: $295,263

Role on project: PI, coordinator.


Investigators: Yong Guan (PI), George T Amariucai.

Title of grant: TWC:Small:Time-Advantage-based Key Establishment Protocols for Low-Cost Wireless Networked Systems

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 08/2015 – 07/2018

Total dollar amount: $499,411

Role on project: Co-PI.


Investigators: Shuangqing Wei (Louisiana State University) (PI), George T Amariucai, Jing Deng (University of North Carolina at Greensboro).

Title of grant: CCF:Small:Security in Dynamic Environments: Harvesting Network Randomness and Diversity

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Dates: 08/2013 – 07/2016

Total dollar amount: $480,000 (split evenly)

Role on project: Co-PI, main investigator for ISU.


Investigators: George T Amariucai (PI), Thomas Daniels

Title of grant: Facilitating Hybrid and Flipped Classes in ECpE via a Library of Cross-Cutting Learning Modules

Funding Agency: ISU Online Learning Innovation Hub, President’s Flipped Classroom Initiative

Dates: 01/2015 – 08/2015

Total dollar amount: $26,462

Role on project: PI


Investigators: George T Amariucai

Title of grant: Course development Grant

Funding Agency: ISU Engineering/LAS Online Learning

Dates: 04/2012 – 08/2013

Total dollar amount: $6000

Role on project: PI


Investigators: George T Amariucai

Title of grant: : Facilitating cooperative learning in a competitive environment in the flipped classroom

Funding Agency: Techstarter/ ISU ITS

Dates: 03/2015

Total dollar amount: $3000

Role on project: PI

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